We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.
Asthma/COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) clinic
Run by the practice nurses for adults and children, and includes: Full education programme, peak flow monitoring, inhaler technique, new medications, nebuliser loan service and self-management plan.
Cardiovascular clinic
Run by the doctor and/or practice nurse for patients who have the following conditions: Heart disease, high blood pressure, history of stroke. Patients are seen 12 to 14 monthly to discuss their condition, recent blood test results, medication and monitor their treatment.
Children’s services
Includes immunisations and development checks. You will be called for immunisation for the under 5’s automatically by the Health Authority. Please let us know if your child is ill or cannot attend.
Diabetic clinic
All our diabetic patients who are not seen at the Bertram Diabetes Centre will be offered a full annual review of their diabetes at the surgery. This will include a pre-clinic blood test screen and urine check. The appointment will be with a practice nurse and, if necessary, a doctor. We also have a specialist nurse from the Diabetes Centre who attends the surgery once a month.
You will be invited for annual retinal eye screening. This service is provided by the Bertram Diabetes Eye Screening Service.
Family planning
Appointments are available during normal clinics for cervical smears, contraception, family planning and general health checks with a doctor or practice nurse. On our behalf the Health Authority operate a call and recall system advising individuals to arrange a cervical smear.
We are able to offer a full and confidential service; please see our appointments page for how to book.
Flu clinics
Flu clinics are held every autumn and free flu vaccinations are available for the following:
- You have chronic respiratory disease
- You have chronic heart disease
- You have chronic kidney disease
- You have chronic liver disease
- You are diabetic
- You have a weak immune system
- You are over 65 years of age
- You have a history of stroke or TIA or multiple sclerosis or a disease of the central nervous system
Maternity services, antenatal and post natal clinic
The midwife holds a clinic at East Harling Surgery on Monday afternoons. The midwife can be contacted via Breckland Midwives on 01953 456825.
Minor illness
If appropriate, you may be offered an appointment with our minor illness nurse prescriber. She is able to diagnose and treat many minor illness and injuries, prescribe medication where appropriate or offer advice, support and referral as required.
We offer same day appointments with our minor illness nurse/independent nurse prescriber.
These are available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at our Kenninghall Surgery and Wednesday morning at East Harling Surgery.
If appropriate, you may be offered a same day appointment as an alternative to seeing the doctor.
When should I see the minor illness nurse?
Our minor illness nurse/independent nurse prescriber can diagnose and treat common problems experienced by most people including:
- Coughs, colds and flu, conjunctivitis, sore throat and swollen glands, sinusitis, earache
- Most rashes, including chickenpox, shingles and eczema
- Skin infections, impetigo
- Minor injuries
- Urinary tract infections in women
- Insect bites and stings
- Infected wounds
- Diarrhoea and vomiting
Chris also takes the lead in diabetes care and asthma management.
The following are not treated by our minor illness nurse/independent nurse prescriber and you will need to see the doctor for:
- Depression/anxiety/stress
- Pregnancy related problems
- Children under 2 years old
- Men’s health
- Migraine
- Medical/ongoing medical problems
The above list is only a guide, please ask the receptionist if you are unsure who you need to see. Appointments can be requested via our appointments page.
Minor surgery
We are equipped to carry out minor surgery under local anaesthetic thereby avoiding a trip to the hospital. This service includes minor surgery for minor skin conditions, ingrowing toe nails and joint injections.
NHS health checks
These are available for 40 to 74 year old patients who do not currently have a diagnosis of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension or stroke. We are eager to promote a healthier lifestyle. Blood pressure, weight and cholesterol testing can be performed. Additionally, advice regarding healthy eating and exercise is offered. The health care assistants, with practice nurse support, provide appointments for these services during routine clinics, please request a double appointment.
Physiotherapy and chiropody
Referrals to physiotherapy can be made through a doctor. Chiropody referrals are private and therefore we cannot make referrals.
Smoking cessation
We provide advice on how patients may stop smoking. Information is also available in our wellbeing section.
Travel vaccinations
All patients requiring information regarding travel vaccinations should complete a travel risk assessment. If recommended, those vaccinations that are free on the NHS will be given at that appointment. In order to obtain advice regarding any other vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis recommended and not provided by us, we suggest you make an appointment with a private travel clinic.
Well man check
This is available to all men who have concerns regarding testicular or prostate cancer.