Surgery Updates

Dear Patients,

We are excited to share some significant updates about our surgery. In 2023, we identified several key areas for improvement, and we are pleased to report on the positive changes we’ve implemented and the progress we’ve made.

Positive staff changes

In late 2023 and throughout 2024, we have welcomed several new staff members, including a new practice manager and new nursing team members. These appointments have strengthened our team and enhanced our ability to provide high-quality care.

Operational Improvements

We have introduced several operational changes to increase accessibility and efficiency for our patients. One notable improvement is our revised waiting list system. Now, instead of asking patients to call back if no routine appointments are available, we will contact you as soon as an appointment opens up.

Recruitment Efforts

We are actively recruiting another paramedic for our patients. This addition will help further reduce our already short waiting times, a notable contrast to the longer waiting lists seen in other NHS organizations, including hospitals and dental surgeries.

New Doctors Joining

This summer, two new doctors are joining our practice. Working three and four days per week, respectively. Their arrival will provide better continuity of care and reduce our reliance on ad-hoc locum doctors.
We continue to make steady, positive progress, despite the extreme underfunding challenges in General Practice over the last few years.

Thank you for your continued support.