Minor Illness Clinic
We offer same day appointments with our minor illness nurse/independent nurse prescriber, Chris Knight.
These are available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at our Kenninghall Surgery and Wednesday morning at East Harling Surgery.
If appropriate, you may be offered a same day appointment with Chris as an alternative to seeing the doctor.
When should I see the minor illness nurse?
Chris can diagnose and treat common problems experienced by most people including:
- Coughs, colds and flu, conjunctivitis, sore throat and swollen glands, sinusitis, earache
- Most rashes, including chickenpox, shingles and eczema.
- Skin infections; impetigo
- Minor injuries
- Urinary tract infections in women
- Insect bites and stings
- Infected wounds
- Diarrhoea and vomiting
Chris also takes the lead in diabetes care and asthma management.
The following are not treated by Chris and you will need to see the doctor for:
- Depression/anxiety/stress
- Pregnancy related problems
- Children under 2
- Men’s health
- Migraine
- Medical/ongoing medical problems
The above list is only a guide, please ask the receptionist if you are unsure who you need to see. Appointments can be requested via our Consulting Room.